New Migrants Bring New Meals to Malaysia

By Puah Sze Ning, Elroi Yee

December 2023 PHOTO ESSAY
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NO OTHER COUNTRY embodies the proverbial melting pot quite like Malaysia. As we know, this is most evident where its culinary diversity is concerned.Over centuries, communities from India, China, the Malay Archipelago—and other parts of the world— have found their way here, making it their home. And this continues to be the case. The melting pot keeps boiling.Many food recipes that present-day migrants bring with them are now our favourites. Below is a selection of meals and desserts often prepared...

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Puah Sze Ning

has been working with Indigenous communities in Malaysia for over 15 years, assisting in advocacy training, documentation and welfare aid. She is also an accomplished photographer.

Elroi Yee

is a multimedia journalist, whose stories have ranged from indigenous people, to human trafficking, to refugees. His focus is on documentary filmmaking as part of multimedia stories designed for social impact.
