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- October 2014
- URGENTLY NEEDED: Reform of Malaysia’s regime police

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Malaysia’s special role in the South China Sea
13 min read
Soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 1st Amphibious Mechanised Infantry Division.In May this year, Chinese oil company China National Offshore...
Ho Yi Jian
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Making Penang a slave-free state
5 min read
Penang is not immune to human trafficking. Women, men and children from Penang have been and are being trafficked, and many more are hugely vulnerable to traffi...
James Lochhead
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South China Sea: What’s at stake?
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With the discovery of oil in Sarawak in 1910, the foundation of Malaysia’s oil and gas industry was laid and changed its economy forever. Mainly located i...
Highlights of George Town Festival 2014
16 min read
Wrecking Crew Orchestra EL Squad.Shanghai Starlight Acrobatic Troupe.Bunditpatanasilpa Institute.Racehorse Company....
Eight bountiful acres
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The way to 8 Acres was very fruitful, pun intended. In the car with friends and colleagues, we made a brief stop along the trunk road for some nangka. Each frui...