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- Upgrading Penang’s Shopping Possibilities
Upgrading Penang’s Shopping Possibilities
Ernest Mah Herh Sun

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Green Manufacturing: One Big Step Towards a Circular Economy
2 min read
GREEN MANUFACTURING... What is that? Well, as one might easily guess, it is about “greening” the manufacturing system. And one does that by reducing the use of...
Dr. Nurul Bahan (School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering)
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End Vaccine Apartheid
5 min read
VACCINE COSTS HAVE pushed many developing countries to the end of the Covid-19 vaccination queue, with most low-income ones not even lining up. Worse, less vacc...
Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram
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AFTER THREE MONTHS of the many MCO phases, Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow finally announced that recreational parks and hiking spots were to be reopened on...
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