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Seberang Perai Utara in Numbers
3 min read
SEBERANG PERAI WAS historically known as Province Wellesley, when in 1798, it was handed over by the Kedah Sultanate to the British East India Company. In recen...
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Skin Whitening Ambitions: Why and at What Cost?
4 min read
THEY SAY “beauty has no skin tone” but fair skin has always been associated with status, beauty and even morality. In Malaysia, some workplaces prefer candidate...
Priyanka Bansal
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Plantdemic: The Rise of Pretentious Rarity
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THERE IS THE pandemic, and then, there is the plantdemic – an emerging social phenomenon of mass buying exorbitant houseplants for, among other reasons, plain b...
Realising the Potential of “Green-Quarry EduTourism”
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INITIATED IN 2018 as a collaboration between Universiti Sains Malaysia’s School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering and FYS Marketing, a granite quar...
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Kampung Selamat: A Resilient Village Inspiring in its Embrace of Economic Change
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KAMPUNG SELAMAT IS one of the few Chinese villages in Seberang Perai Utara. Over the decades, its transformation of economic activities bears witness to the dyn...
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