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- April 2015
- Through the eyes of a refugee child

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Seeing art in passing time and peopled space
6 min read
Lee: Engaging pioneering communities.Art today can involve the most ordinary of people doing the most ordinary of things, fulfilling the Beuysian dictum o...
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Remembering Krishen Jit
5 min read
Krishen Jit was a history academic at Universiti Malaya and he sustained his “Talking Drama” column in New Sunday Times for many years. Thus, people...
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Penang’s aviation and maritime sectors by the numbers
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Penang International AirportPenang International AirportPenang International Airport is the country’s third busiest airport in terms of passenger tr...
Soldering a regional platform for semiconductors
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The annual Semicon Singapore event, a regional exposition of the semiconductor industry, has been taking place for the last 21 years. However, this time around,...
Ong Wooi Leng
Penang’s semiconductor industry moves from assembly to R&D
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Since the opening of Malaysia’s first Free Industrial Zone in the 1970s, Penang’s economy has been thriving, based on export-oriented labour-intensi...
Ong Wooi Leng