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- August 2014
- The mystery we call development

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Applause for the Penang budget model
5 min read
Regina Frey, head of the Gender Bureau, Berlin, Germany.The “People Oriented Model” of Gender Responsive Participatory Budgeting (GRPB), conce...
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Heritage kept right
8 min read
On July 7, 2008 George Town was listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site. Since then, things in the city have became busier, louder, artsier and, to the chagrin o...
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An analysis of Penang
3 min read
Penang is geographically divided into two sections, Penang Island and Seberang Perai (SP). The two sections are then further subdivided into five dist...
NonserviaM lifts heavy metal higher
5 min read
Non Serviam is the title of Greek black metal stalwarts Rotting Christ’s popular 1994 album, but there is no musical analogy between them and Penang&rsq...
Time for Asean art to flourish
7 min read
Stakeholders in the art world in South- East Asia are beginning to talk and work with one another again. This is a very promising development. One conversation...