APPOINTED AT THE start of 2024 as CEO of Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC), Hari Narayanan has led a long career juggling both academia and industry for a...
THE THIRD Dr. Wu Lien-Teh Society Award for Leadership in Public Health was awarded this year to Adeeba Kamarulzaman, the Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Mal...
HE IS THE Father of Malaysian Animation, a title bestowed on him by former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. He was also a recipient of the 2018 Merdeka Award u...
HIN BUS DEPOT celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and so, Penang Monthly thinks it a great occasion to sit down with Tan Shih Thoe, the brain (and the br...
10 YEARS AGO, Ernest Zacharevic debuted his first solo art exhibition, “Art is Rubbish is Art”, at Hin Bus Depot (HBD), setting into motion a chain of events th...
MOVE OVER, Marie Kondo. In the post-pandemic era, it is the stand-up comedy shows (not the art of tidying up) that have become celebrated across Malaysia. Rizal...
Professor Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood is an eminent personality in the field of medical science and crisis management. She is also the founder of Mercy Malaysia...
Ooi Kee Beng: Prof. Zul, I wish to talk with you about how and when people excel in life. Your own has been a very interesting one, and you continue working on...
Tan Twan Eng, one of Penang’s most famous authors today, was in town in July. He granted Penang Monthly an interview at the E&O Hotel, where some key scenes...