Penang's news

Penang's news

3 min read
Penang as economic hub of the regionPrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak announced that the federal government intends to turn Penang into a regional...
by Penang Monthly
Penang News

Penang News

5 min read
Water sports law to be enforcedThe Penang state government will begin to enforce the Personal Watercraft (Penang) Enactment 1999, following numerous jet-ski...
by Penang Monthly
Penang news

Penang news

3 min read
Airport to see growth in passenger trafficPenang International Airport is expecting to see passenger traffic grow by four to five per cent in 2012, due to s...
by Penang Monthly
Penang News

Penang News

2 min read
DOSH: Negligence cause of Second Penang Bridge ramp collapseThe Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) confirmed that the Second Penang Bridge ramp collapsed...
by Penang Monthly
Penang News

Penang News

2 min read
4,000 high income jobs for Penang in three yearsThe Penang state government plans to turn Bayan Baru into an international outsourcing hub to attract more sha...
by Penang Monthly
Penang News

Penang News

5 min read
Malaysian woman among Forbes’ top 10 most powerful women in UN Judy Cheng-Hopkins, assistant secretary-general of the United Nations (UN)…
by Penang Monthly
Penang News

Penang News

3 min read
Penang tops investment in Malaysia In 2010, Penang attracted the highest amount of investments in Malaysia, according to figures released…
by Penang Monthly