Highlighting the Importance of Improvements in Liveability
5 min read
MALAYSIA HAS LONG recognised the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda and has incorporated it into its National Plan with set targets in the 2030 Agenda....

What’s in a Name? The Challenge of Classifying Living Things
3 min read
ALL OF US, at some point in time, have attempted to identify either birds, flowers, insects or even fishes. Occasionally, an avid animal lover could even name c...

The Spout: The Little Victorian Hill Resort
7 min read
ONE FINE MORNING last July, I went with my intrepid friend, James Wong, to explore the hills behind the Vale of Tempe in Tanjung Bungah. As we reached the end o...

Carbon Offsetting: A Faulty Solution That Encourages Fraud?
2 min read
Carbon offsetting is a concept that involves investing in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions to compensate for (or offset) one’s own carbon footprint...

Middle Bank – Penang’s Central Park
7 min read
HISTORY seldom follows a distinct and predictable line of events. Contingencies, serendipities, good luck and bad luck, all come into play. Naturally, therefore...

Organic Does Not Equal Sustainable
3 min read
ORGANIC FOOD HAS gained a lot of traction in Malaysia and around the world in recent years – the label has even extended to non-food products like lipsticks mad...