The waterfront zone is a prime area for urban regeneration, connecting the waterfront and the inner city. Land use is geared towards high-value development inco...
Traditions die hard, but once a traditional artefact or skill is gone, the extant works in that tradition retreat and assume “relic” status. So it i...
Vegetables popular in Bornean cuisine are sold at the market.From a distance, the 20 red canopies set in a row look like part of any other weekend...
As the ringgit tests multi-year lows and I hear people talk about the coming collapse of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, I look back to my...
More Jobs in the Market Hiring activity recorded a steep improvement in the first three months of 2016. The Monster Employment Index, generated by global on...
More Jobs in the Market Hiring activity recorded a steep improvement in the first three months of 2016. The Monster Employment Index, generated by global on...
Once again, our nation is beguiled by the spectre of hudud, a term loosely used to reference the syariah penal code. Every once in a while, hudud emerges like a...
It was inevitable that George Town should evolve beyond its role as a harbour and centre of maritime trade. The historic port, which once greeted the ancestors...
The role and identity of waterfronts today vary depending on the community they serve. Traditionally, waterfronts are defined as the part of a town fronting o...
It was the 1920s. Penang Harbour, stretching from Swettenham Pier to Pengkalan Weld, bustled endlessly. Bullock carts and handcarts transported goods of all kin...
Saying that Penang and Kuching have a lot in common can disorientate – they sit at two separate ends of the nation, with an ocean of differences in betwee...