JULY 2020July 28The Sivagangga cluster originates from Kubang Pasu, Kedah. It is identified that the index patient of the cluster is an owner of a nasi ka...
WHAT IS “SUSTAINABLE GROWTH”?The Brundtland Report, known also as Our Common Future, was presented to the UN in 1987 and expounds sustainable deve...
TAKE A LONG leisurely walk along Penang’s beaches. What do you see? Iterations of clustered seashells dotting their lengths perhaps, but among them as wel...
In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Penang Book Prize, run by Penang Institute since 2017, will not be held this year. Instead, this has inspired Penang Month...
THERE IS A persistent trend in the thinking of the people of Penang which is not easily named, but discerning it helps explain why civil society activism is so...