COVID-19 HAS BEEN putting some strain on Penang’s food supply. Although the state managed well on the whole, this challenge should serve as a stark remi...
SEE THE AUNTY puttering on the three-wheeler Honda C90, dragging a cart of triple-mixed iced soya bean, “leong fun” and milo; the beverages slushing...
MILLENNIALS AND GEN Zs are the largest age cohorts in the workforce; according to Statista, they now make up approximately 75% of Malaysia’s labour force.[1]Giv...
IF THERE IS an issue pertaining to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), it is the bad reputation garnered among urbanite parents. “It is abou...
DISASTERS – natural or manmade – tend to affect a limited geographical area.A typhoon cutting across the Philippines, like Typhoon Vongfong in May...
SINCE ITS VERY founding, George Town has seen people of different nationalities, ethnicities and religions come and go mainly for trade and economic purposes. H...
THE OUTBREAK OF Covid-19 exposed the Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign to significant risks. Three months into 2020, it was cancelled. Subsequent prohibitions on mob...
AN END. The global population is anxious for a resolution to what has been a nightmare of a year so far. But as much as we look forward to a medical ending, i.e...
IT IS ANTICIPATED that Millennials will bear the full brunt of climate change in their lifetime. We live in the Anthropocene era, an age during which human acti...
“LIVEABILITY” is quite a buzzword these days. But what does it mean really when we say that a city is liveable? What factors come into play? General...
COVID-19 HAS TURNED the tourism industry on its head. The concept Responsible Tourism previously only focused on people mitigating negative economic, environmen...
ON FEBRUARY 24, then-premier Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin became the first Malaysian to be inoculated with the Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine; this marked the start of th...