Every political crisis inevitably claims its share of casualties. Normally, those who fall on the wrong side in the corridors of power will find their careers c...
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) that involves 12 Pacific Rim countries: Singapore, Brunei, New Zeal...
Lined by pristine sandy beaches and covered by flourishing forests overflowing with animals and plants, Penang National Park humbly occupies the nor...
Mention squash and Datuk Nicol David comes to mind for most of us. The longest reigning world No. 1 (a whopping 108 consecutive months!) until September last ye...
Onboard the ferry.The vibrancy in Penang Island nowadays is undeniable, ever since George Town was listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2008. The eme...
There is no doubt about it. Cities are growing with astonishing intensity, and as we move towards an increasingly urban world, a plethora of tools, indexes and...
Separated from its two nearest population centres – Teluk Kumbar and Sungai Ara – by over 8km of winding hillside road, Balik Pulau has a strong bas...
The role and identity of waterfronts today vary depending on the community they serve. Traditionally, waterfronts are defined as the part of a town fronting o...
Connecting the DotsThe Geodesic Dome at Komtar was one of the more iconic structures of its time. At the time of its construction it was considered an enginee...
For eight years now, the Penang International Halal Hub (better known as Halal Penang) has been setting the trend for the halal industry both domestically and b...
Advertisement2016 has been a year of surprises and shocks. Uncertainty became the new normal, as a combination of factors – Brexit, Trump's Whit...
We live in unprecedented times: more people are living longer and have healthier lives than ever before. The Department of Statistics Malaysia has revealed that...