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- February 2010
- Some peace in store

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Climbing the value chain
3 min read
WE NEED to move up the value chain to remain competitive; that much bears repeating. The urgency to distance ourselves from the sprouting economies of labour-in...
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Making green policies sustainable
5 min read
MUCH MORE could and should have been accomplished at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Accord that was finally signed b...
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The Penang Adventure
2 min read
IT'S VERY HARD not to get swept along by Raymond Flower's jaunty approach to Penang's history in his latest offering, The Penang Adventure. The book opens on...
Ko-Tai the city
6 min read
KO-TAI PENANG was the final act in a trilogy of community street performances directed and produced by Ombak Ombak ARTStudio which showcased historical events f...
Penang's economic fate: A tale of three cities
9 min read
CHARLES DICKENS ASIDE, there was another A Tale of Two Cities told by Alwyn Young, about economic growth in Singapore and Hong Kong. They are two of four Asian...