FARMERS, PARTICULARLY SMALL-HOLDERS, are integral to Malaysia’s agricultural sector as they account for approximately 76% of Malaysia’s food and agricultural production.[1] Despite their substantial contribution, they encounter numerous challenges, including markedly lower incomes compared to the national average.[2]
In 2022, the average household income in Malaysia was at approximately RM8,500 per month.[3] However, the Auditor General’s Report for that year revealed that nearly a quarter of the 77,275 rice farmers earned an average of less than RM600 per month—almost RM2,000 below the poverty income line.[4] This income disparity heightens their risk of malnutrition and compounds issues related to land disputes, displacement, volatile market prices and exposure to harmful pesticides, all of which jeopardise their health and livelihood, and access to a clean environment
Recognising the Deep Plight of Our Farmers and the Key Role They Play
Nisha Kumaravel