Online Schooling: A Necessity that is Not Yet a Virtue
Godharan s/o Thyagarajan

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Designing Solutions for Social Change
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LEARN. IMBIBE. REGURGITATE. These are hallmarks of rote learning and its derivatives are wide-ranging, from the attrition of critical and creative thinking to a...
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National History Based on Half-truths Undermines the Critical Spirit of the Young
5 min read
A NATIONAL HISTORY is never fixed and instead, tends to take on chameleon-like characteristics. Malaysian history is no different. Under colonial rule, the popu...
Santhiram R. Raman
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Designing Solutions for Social Change
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LEARN. IMBIBE. REGURGITATE. These are hallmarks of rote learning and its derivatives are wide-ranging, from the attrition of critical and creative thinking to a...