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Volunteering is the Heart at Work
4 min read
MEET 24-YEAR-OLD law student Chin How Zet. Since the start of the Movement Control Order (MCO), he has been assisting the needy and the underprivileged in his c...
Enzo Sim
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Providing Nourishment for the Frontliners
5 min read
AS EARLY AS February, pictures of doctors and nurses with tired faces, imprinted with the tight elastic bands of their face masks and shields began circulating...
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Painting Motion Pictures
6 min read
THE MEANDERING RIVER to the left of the sprawling countryside in the painting of actress Umie Aida references Leonardo da Vinci’s world-famous portrait, t...
Saving SMEs is Key to Economic Recovery
4 min read
TO FLATTEN THE recession curve, and to save SMEs and preserve jobs, the organisation Research for Social Advancement (REFSA) convened policy experts and industr...
Youth Unemployment Expected to Worsen
5 min read
SOME ECONOMISTS BELIEVE that the ongoing economic crisis set off by the Covid-19 pandemic can rival the 1929 Great Depression. In Malaysia the national unemploy...