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Malaysians Done Making Do
2 min read
Everyone should be stunned by how anti-BN forces over the last few years have been able not only to hold their ground, but also to continue spreading a sense...
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Placing Our Athletes in Front
4 min read
Our athletes are our heroes. Heck, even their tracksuit, designed by our local maestro Melinda Looi, is titled the “Malaysian Heroes”. And boy, how...
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That Little Wine Bar
3 min read
Penang’s at Little Wine Bar offered me just the kind of place I was seeking. An opportunity to “chillax” with friends and catch up on their pa...
Smoking opium in Penang, 1854
4 min read
It destroyed countless lives and countless families, and came to be associated with Chinese culture despite the trade being run largely by the British as part o...
In Awed Appreciation of PAGO-PAGO
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Dark Pago-Pago, oil on canvas, 1967.It is moot if so many Pago-Pago works of Malaysia’s great artist Latiff Mohidin can ever be assembled again unde...