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Battling Plagues – One after Another
6 min read
The Dr Wu Lien-Teh Society conducts annual public lectures to showcase contributions made by notable medical figures in the realm of public health. Now in its f...
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How Penang’s Early Prominence was Lost
15 min read
The early decades in the life of Prince of Wales Island did not see it living up to the expectations of its administrators, especially as a ship-building port...
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Lending the Lesser-abled a Hand
10 min read
The Cerebral Palsy (Spastic) Children’s Association of Penang (CPCAP), which turns 56 this year, houses a fully functioning school that prepares children...
Andrea Filmer
Deriving Life from Venom
4 min read
It is called the “hundred pacer” because victims of its bite meet their death by the time they have taken their hundredth step. While the veracity o...
Sun, Sand, Sea and ... Surgery?
7 min read
As many as 14 to 16 million people across the globe travel for medical reasons, be it for higher quality healthcare or affordability outside their countries o...
Stephanie Kee