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- September 2014
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Are you buying slavery?
7 min read
Lai (not her real name) paid for her own airfare to get from Ho Chi Minh to KL. After arriving, she was arranged to work in a massage parlour where her employer...
Ch’ng Chin Chin
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Putting all into the job
7 min read
It is a dog eat dog world in sales. But whether you’re selling concrete or a destination, the same values ought to be present, such as honesty, perseveran...
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The numbers on human trafficking
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Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. It is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Nonetheless, there are thousands of men, women and...
Musical wizard returns to the promise of paint
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It is a wonder that Datuk M. Nasir chose to stage his first solo painting exhibition on August 9, a month a er turning 57. Nasir is a poet and the Consummate Ar...
Gentrification-but with the right twist
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The old Hin Bus Depot on Jalan Gurdwara may have lost many of its walls and part of its roof, but this has only served to turn it into one of the most atmospher...