From cancer survivors to social champions: A relay for hope
Penang Monthly

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Where money doesn’t talk (not much, anyway)
4 min read
Stacking wood that has been chopped, gotong-royong style.As usual, the key was left in the ignition of the motorcycle parked by the side of a lonely road....
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Bringing city planning up to date
4 min read
Cities are now touted as engines of growth. As such, city mayors are going the extra mile to make their cities attractive not only to local residents, but also...
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Go ridesharing and reduce traffic instantly!
3 min read
In Malaysia, we are conditioned to believe that we must have a car, and in many cases, this is largely true. Our public transportation system is not...
Four lakes and a tent
7 min read
The few times I’d gone camping had led to mixed results. Once, while trying to spend some quality time with the kids, we went to Pantai Kerachut in Penang...
Brain drain in numbers
4 min read
Compared to average wages in Singapore, the UK and Australia, Malaysia’s wages are lagging far behind. A person of managerial rank in Malaysia, for exam...