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- February 2011
- Freeing education from politics

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The miracle of Penang Jazz
7 min read
PENANG'S JAZZ FESTIVAL is a small miracle. I say “small miracle” partly because “jazz” is not the most userfriendly word in the dictiona...
James Lochhead
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All that Rozz-matazz
7 min read
WHO DID PEOPLE WATCH Before Rozz (BR)? Where did we go out at night? The answers are lost in a hazy mist; it’s hard to imagine a time when Penang had a ha...
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Turning Points: Ups and downs of Penang’s economy
10 min read
IntroductionWe take keen interest on economic news only because we realise that recessions have a way of creeping up on us and messing up whatever big plans w...
Ong Wooi Leng
Making future artists better
9 min read
THROW A STONE and you would hit a few Datuks. The joke may be trite, but for artists, “Datukships” are exceptions to the rule. Still, Penang is one...
Jordan Plofsky: Acknowledging results and recognising performance
5 min read
How long have you been in Penang and what were your initial reactions when posted here? I have been coming to Penang since 2001 on a bi-annual basis, but relo...