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- Festivals in numbers

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Giving the people a say – it’s their money after all
5 min read
Sometime in December last year, at a forum on the state and national budget organised by Lee Khai Loon, the state assemblyman for Machang Bubok, I threw out a c...
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Marina Mahathir: Malaysia is my colour movie
11 min read
Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir is the keynote speaker at the fifth George Town Literary Festival (GTLF), which takes place on November 27-29 . On a daily basis, M...
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The strange rise and sudden fall of the Chinese stock market
6 min read
At the end of 2014, China had a very normal stock market1. Measured by the size of the stock market, China’s market capitalisation of US$4tril, close to 4...
Herbert Poenisch
Festivals of significance: A writer’s view of literary festivals
11 min read
We hardly heard any mention of them 20 years ago, but today it seems that every country, every town, every little village has one: yes, a Starbucks. But I&rsquo...
Tan Twan Eng
In Malaysia, every year is a year of festivals
4 min read
Timing is everything, and for local writer Keith Hockton to have released his book, Festivals of Malaysia, this year, well, one might have thought he had inside...
Louise Goss-Custard