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- October 2011
- Entering New Territory With Open Tenders

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Woo, The Lucky Economist
9 min read
Penang used to have exciting libraries which young boys and girls could visit to learn about the outside world. As we know, such institutions can be great cla...
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Mind the child and grow the country
14 min read
Parents with young children tend to also be at the beginning of their career. And keeping both family and work life going is a tough balancing act. Nursery scho...
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Manning The State Government
9 min read
States in MalaysiaThe Malaysian flag, now affectionately called the Jalur Gemilang, raised at the Stadium Merdeka in 1957 when Malaya became a new nation, bea...
Eric Quah: A Beautiful Life
7 min read
FINALLY, the pieces are coming together in Eric Quah’s life. Images of people, places and events collaged through a flourish of brushstrokes or an erasu...
Develop by All Means, But Not by Any Means
5 min read
I WOULD LIKE to touch on the issue of the type of development towards which Penang, in particular Penang Island, is headed.Let me begin with an anecdote. Rece...