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- Doing heritage diplomacy in Europe

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In defence of the spirit of the Law
7 min read
The verdict was delivered on the same week that Dr Azmi Sharom was scheduled to speak at the Nusantara Forum in Penang on October 10, which was jointly organi...
Ooi Kok Hin
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Days and nights at Claremont
7 min read
Diary, June 19-23, 1989June 19, Monday:It’s up Penang Hill for a few days to unwind from the stress of Singapore’s workaholic lifestyle. Bluster...
Christine Khor
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Small acts of courage to make the world a better place
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If he was not a household name before September 2, 2014, he should have become that after he, on that day, became the first academician in Malaysian history t...
When art espouses politics…
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Apart from performing at many formal events, The BangsArt is also active playing on the streets to raise funds.University students used to be active in th...
Mohd Izzuddin Ramli
The high life: Growing up on the peak
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From George Town, Penang Hill is a quiet presence, a thought that barely registers even as it looms in the background. It appears intermittently throughout the...