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The “banality of evil” in Malaysia
4 min read
Fifty-four years ago, Jewish writerphilosopher Hannah Arendt came up with the concept of “the banality of evil” after she covered the trial of Adolf...
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Corruption and cronyism: Two sides of the same coin
5 min read
Following the first Bumiputera Economic Congress in 1965, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) was established as a statutory body through an Act of Parliament. The trus...
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Paddy planting: Rise of the machines (or maybe not)
4 min read
I trawled the shops of KL to find one of those fishing outfits that keep you dry in knee-deep water. I wanted it for paddy planting, not so much to keep dry but...
Carolyn Hong
Saintly relics for Penang church
6 min read
“What have you been waiting for?”The question was vague and certainly not what Fr Martin Arlando was expecting when he answered a late morning cal...
Andrea Filmer
Best to breastfeed
6 min read
It was looking to be one of the more unusual interviews I would do. Sitting in my living room and armed with the usual pen and paper, I had an extra “acce...
Andrea Filmer