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An Exciting Age for Penang’s Manufacturing Sector
4 min read
LAST YEAR, Penang celebrated its 50 years of manufacturing excellence, significantly in the Electronics & Electrical (E&E) sector. While there are many...
Dato' Seri Lee Kah Choon
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Risk Management in Sports
5 min read
NOWADAYS, WE ARE all encouraged to live an active lifestyle, through exercise generally, i.e., any movements that contribute towards our physical and emotional...
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Uniting Communities Through Sports and Traditions
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FEW ACTIVITIES can transcend ethnic, cultural, religious and language differences the way sports can. Team sports, in particular, relies heavily on esprit de co...
Negaraku: The Sonic Totem of the Nusantara (Part Two)
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THE ATMOSPHERE WAS abuzz as the resonant “Merdeka” call rang in the newly built Stadium Merdeka. It was 1957. Malaya, the newly independent nation, needed not o...
eSports in Malaysia: What Awaits Competitive Gaming?
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WHEN LAN GAMING cybercafes first emerged in the early 2000s, they were all the rage. They provided a social and competitive environment for gamers to gather and...