Addressing PISA Disparities to Propel Penang’s Semiconductor Industry
5 min read
WITH THE SWIFT beauty of mother earth. evolution in communication technology, it becomes increasingly crucial for a country like Malaysia…

Facing Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace
4 min read
DEPRESSION AMONG MALAYSIANS has been on the rise, with figures escalating from 1.8% in 2011 to 2.3% in 2020. Mental health expert and director of the Internatio...
Malaysia as a Global Educational Hub: A Win-Win-Win Situation
3 min read
ACCORDING TO THE Ministry of Higher Education, there were 136,497 international students enrolled in Malaysia in 2019, with 93,569 enrolled in tertiary institut...
Eid ul-Fitr in the Modern World: Navigating Traditions
3 min read
EID UL-FITR, or simply Raya (celebration in Malay), marks the end of Ramadan and holds deep cultural and religious significance in the Islamic calendar. Neverth...

Halal—A Promising Industry for Penang that Needs Some Strategic Pushing
4 min read
HALAL, AN ARABIC term meaning “permissible” or “lawful”, encompasses various aspects of Muslim life, including food, safety, animal welfare, social justice and...

Highlighting the Importance of Improvements in Liveability
5 min read
MALAYSIA HAS LONG recognised the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda and has incorporated it into its National Plan with set targets in the 2030 Agenda....

Is TVET Not the Obvious Key to a Vibrant Economy?
10 min read
IF THERE IS an issue pertaining to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), it is the bad reputation garnered among urbanite parents. “It is abou...

Cosmopolitanism in Malaysian Education – How Are We Faring?
4 min read
IF MALAYSIAN national schools had implemented two mediums of instruction – English and Bahasa Malaysia, Rina* would not be at the “crossroads”, figuring out whi...

Time to Make Music a Central Part of Malaysian Education
4 min read
ONE OF THE most important lessons my father taught me was appreciating music. He thought it important that my brother and I could manage both music and academic...