Some peace in store

By Sharon Saw

February 2010 A DAY IN THE LIFE
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In the midst a global economic downturn, Patsy Gooi has found her true calling.
Penang's claim to fame on the Unesco Heritage list is its unassuming but vibrant street life, propped up by old buildings. On such a stage, one of course finds many small entrepreneurs, old or new, whose daily life reflects the shifting fortunes of the city and the state. Patsy Gooi is one of them.AT 52, Mrs Patsy Gooi has led a full life. Married with three grown children, she had everything she wanted. Or so she thought.In 2009, during the...

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Sharon Saw

a land economist from Cambridge University by training, is now a budding author, spiritual seeker, avid recycler and passionate Penangite.
