Gerakan’s legacy of ideas is at risk

By Neil Khor

November 2010 FEATURE
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Penang Gerakan chairman Dr Teng Hock Nan with party president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.
Refusing to stop smarting from the defeat it suffered in 2008, Gerakan, the party that ruled Penang for almost 40 years, may see whatever is left of its glorious legacy whitt led away and forgotten.Parti Gerakan Rakyat (Gerakan) is regarded in Penang, once its power base, as a remnant from the past. There is little enthusiasm for the party that once governed the state.Old grandees had predicted that the present Pakatan Rakyat government would collapse within six months of coming...

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Neil Khor

has recently completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge. He is co-author of Non-Sectarian Politics in Malaysia: The Case of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (2008). This article first appeared in on October 6, 2010.
