Getting good bacteria to green Penang

By Poh Heem Heem

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Phase 1: Demonstrations at Mayang Pasir (top) and Bayan Baru Market (below).
High speed economic activity and demographic shifts, especially in developing countries have shaken nature’s delicate balance. Uncontrolled intervention in ecological systems degrades them and increases the likelihood of environmental disasters. There is indubitably a strong need to increase consciousness about these pressing problems.Compounded by extreme weather events, environmental disasters seem to be increasing in severity and frequency, so much so that these days, they are numerous enough to be categorised – agricultural, air, land, water, industrial, biodiversity, human health, mining,...

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Poh Heem Heem

is senior manager for Special Projects and Consultancy at the PSDC. The PITRS is a special project designed as an inhouse document for limited circulation. The key findings have been summarised here by her team members, Richard Ho and Tan Yin Hooi.
