Why Compete When You Can Collaborate?

By Poh Heem Heem

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A representative from the Newborn Care Centre, Royal Hospital for Women, Australia, leading a workshop on neonatal resuscitation.
In what is a first for the highly competitive Penang healthcare sector, private hospitals have come together to form the Allied Health Centre of Excellence to address a common problem – shoring up the skills of the nursing and allied health talent pool in the face of increasing clinical demands and generating a sufficient pool of experienced talent to counteract the outflow of talent.IN AN UNEXPECTED move, five of the larger private hospitals in Penang have come together to form...

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Poh Heem Heem

is senior manager for Special Projects and Consultancy at the PSDC. The PITRS is a special project designed as an inhouse document for limited circulation. The key findings have been summarised here by her team members, Richard Ho and Tan Yin Hooi.
