Major Changes Await the Botanic Gardens

By Mohd Firdaus Habib Mohd

October 2012 FEATURE
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In March and July this year, the State Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD) called for a public consultation on the Special Area Plan (SAP) for the Penang Botanic Gardens. This was in accordance with Section 13 of the Town and Country Planning Act – the public’s feedback has to be taken into consideration before such a plan is gazetted.The Penang Botanic Gardens, sometimes known as Waterfall Gardens, is a 72-acre garden established in 1884 on an old granite quarry....

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Mohd Firdaus Habib Mohd

is a research analyst at the Penang Institute and has participated in various projects involving urban planning, local governance and housing. He is currently pursuing his Phd in Ecotourism.
