Teeming, Tranquil Hanoi

By Veronica Liew

March 2013 FEATURE
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Hanoi’s ancient history and modern history live side by side. Ho Chi Minh is remembered alongside old emperors; a roundabout lake is circled by polluting cars; the booming economy is tempered by high prices; and public spaces provide respite from the adventure of crossing a street. Hanoi may be a transit point, but it has enough to hold anyone’s interest.When you first wake up in the morning, you might not see Hanoi, but you can definitely hear it. This non-stop...

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Veronica Liew

is a communications consultant based in KL (and occasionally Penang). A hobby photographer, freelance writer and bona fide Facebook addict, her favourite things to do while travelling are car-spotting, sitting beside large bodies of water and eating.
