Art space expands in Penang

By Ooi Kok Chuen

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In many ways, a reliable measure of the growing “coolness” of Penang is the Art Scene. The joy of creativity seems to have caught the imagination, not only of artists, but of gallerists and even the state authorities.The squat Art Decor façade that only seven years ago hid grease, grime and smoke, with behemoth stage buses trundling in and out, has undergone an unexpected makeover. Not much has changed, though – it is only presumably much cleaner with all the...

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Ooi Kok Chuen

is an art-writer and journalist, and the author of MAHSURI: A Legend Reborn (Ooi Peeps Publishing), an adult contemporary fantasy “movel” (a novel conceived as a mock movie) spun from a local legend.
