Festivals of significance: A writer’s view of literary festivals

By Tan Twan Eng

November 2015 FEATURE
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Tan Twan Eng, Malaysia’s most noted writer of intricate and sensitive stories rooted in the country’s history, shares some experiences from the global journey of meeting admirers – and other authors.We hardly heard any mention of them 20 years ago, but today it seems that every country, every town, every little village has one: yes, a Starbucks. But I’m also referring to literary festivals.A look at www. literaryfestivals.co.uk reveals over 120 festivals of all sizes scheduled from September to November...

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Tan Twan Eng

is a lawyer turned writer. His first novel was Gift of Rain (2007), which is set in Penang during World War II. The Garden of Evening Mists (2012), his second novel, won the Man Asian Literary Prize and the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction.
