When you have been living far apart from your parents for a long time, you acquire your own habits. And when they come to visit, playing host to and going on a road trip together with them can be a meaningful, albeit exhausting experience.“Are you sure that you are comfortable driving like that?”“Yes, dad.”“Because you know, you shouldn’t stay so close to the steering wheel. You should give space, extend your arms. See? You can’t.”I don’t know about you, but...
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is a musician, author and travel writer. He has written about overland travel and extreme music in Asia, and blogs at www.monkeyrockworld.com. He also curates the Penang Insider, the smart guide for traveling and living in Penang, at www.penang-insider.com. His latest book, The Travels of Marco Yolo, is available in bookstores. Follow him on Twitter @monkeyrockworld.