At 80, Choong Kam Kow is finally getting his hugely deserved “Oscar” moment in his major Retrospective, honoured by the National Visual Arts Gallery.Choong Kam Kow’s 258 selected works stand as beacons to some 57 years of passion and toil in creating 15 distinct, defining series including the groundbreaking Festival series and his mimetic Back-to-Nature quadrant (of Trunkscapes, Rockscapes, Earthscapes and Lakescape), apart from the Shaped Canvas and SEA-Thru series! Works done with workmanlike efficacy primed in a sheer totality...
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is an art-writer and journalist, and the author of MAHSURI: A Legend Reborn (Ooi Peeps Publishing), an adult contemporary fantasy “movel” (a novel conceived as a mock movie) spun from a local legend.