Time To Be Human

By Zairil Khir Johari

March 2016 CARPE DIEM
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At a refugee camp in Darfur, Sudan. Many of the inhabitants have lived here for close to 10 years after fleeing conflict in their villages.
The refugee problem in South- East Asia is enormous, and calls for bold measures from governments and Asean are more needed than ever.This century, though new, has nevertheless seen scientific and technological progress beyond imagination. Today, information is transferred at lightning speed, instantaneously connecting billions of people to each other through a myriad of mobile gadgets. We have even landed a robot in Mars and recently discovered evidence of water on the Red Planet. With human landings being planned, the...

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Zairil Khir Johari

is the Penang state executive councillor for public works, utilities and flood mitigation, and the state assemblyman for Tanjong Bunga.
