Warships Sunk off Penang in World War I

By Enzo Sim

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Mousquet, as photographed in 1902.
Photos from the Imperial War Museum, UK unless stated otherwise.THROUGHOUT WORLD WAR I, Penang was indispensable to British war efforts as a hub supplying men, commodities and funds. Apart from being an important communication centre linking other key British outposts via telegraphic cables, Penang also played a significant role in securing safe passage for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) troops transported to the ill-fated 1915 Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey.During the first few months of the war, the...

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Enzo Sim

is a Mass Communications graduate who has an unwavering passion towards international relations, history and regional affairs of Southeast Asia. His passion has brought him to different Southeast Asian capitals to explore the diverse cultural intricacies within the region.
