The Limited Local Benefits of Swiftonomics

By Philip Khor

April 2024 FEATURE
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TAYLOR SWIFT, the queen of pop, transcends the realm of music. She is a cultural force, a brand powerhouse and—according to Swifties in political leadership—a significant economic driver. Her relatable lyrics, narrative-driven albums and social media engagement create a sense of community and shared experience.Her fervent fanbase translates into dedicated concertgoers, enthusiastic merchandise buyers and a loyal consumer base that fuels Swiftonomics— the Taylor Swift effect on the economies of cities and local businesses she holds concerts in.Intriguingly, Taylor Swift’s...

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Philip Khor

is a Visiting Data Scientist at Penang Institute with a background in financial sector regulatory modeling, technical writing and enterprise data science training. His interests include labour and health economics, the ethics of artificial intelligence and climate policy.
