Be Aware of Impending Heatstrokes

By Dr. Mohd Nurfaiz Mohd Nasir

April 2024 FEATURE
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THE MALAYSIAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT (MetMalaysia) has issued a Level 1 heatwave alert as scorching heat continues creeping northwards on the peninsula. (The Star, 25 February 2024)The country’s hot spell could persist until July, and preparation is crucial. Some of us might not view the increasingly hot weather as a significant issue and imagine that merely increasing the use of air conditioning and hydrating more frequently would suffice. The truth is, ignoring the severe health risks linked to exposure to this heat...

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Dr. Mohd Nurfaiz Mohd Nasir

is a doctor at Pantai Hospital Penang's Emergency Department. He is experienced in handling medical emergencies and uncertainties while guiding patients through the darkest storms of medical crises.
