The Social and Economic Impact of Rising Temperatures Expected to be Strong

By Dr Matt Benson, Sofia Castelo

April 2024 FEATURE
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Side-by-side comparison of 1993 and 2023 Land Surface Temperature (LST).
CLIMATE CHANGE IS a global phenomenon whose impact on different regions varies in intensity. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change has identified sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia as regions that will be most affected. Therefore, Malaysia is a hotspot where global warming effects will be clearly apparent, be this in changes in rainfall patterns, increased temperatures and/or a rise in extreme weather events such as heatwaves.In Malaysia, a heatwave is declared when temperatures exceed 37°C for three consecutive...

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Dr Matt Benson

is a Senior Director at Think City. He is a geographer specialising in the challenges of urbanisation.

Sofia Castelo

is a technical advisor to Think City. She is a climate change and landscape architect expert.
