Valuing Household Production Promises Broad Impact on Society at Large

By Yeong Pey Jung

March 2024 FEATURE
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SIGNIFICANT STRIDES HAVE been made over time in advancing gender equality—with women assuming more prominent roles as decision-makers both in the workforce and in the realm of politics. However, on the home front, traditional values remain dormant and dominant. Women still bear the burden of housework and care work, following established gender roles. The homemaker role is indeed often assumed by a woman; she remains responsible for the smooth running of the household, performing repetitive tasks, stretching from cooking, cleaning...

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  • [1]
  • [2] Implemented on 1 December 2022, SKSSR aims to provide social security protection to housewives against domestic injury and invalidity while managing the household.
Yeong Pey Jung

is a senior analyst with the Socioeconomics and Statistics Programme at Penang Institute. She is a reading enthusiast and is surgically attached to her Kindle.
