Do Nothing and It Shall Be Done: Placemaking in Balik Pulau

By Sheryl Teoh

February 2024 FEATURE
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THE DRIVE TO Nada Natural Farming café itself is a treat. Past the Balik Pulau old town, you make a turn that takes you winding through traditional Malay villages. Eventually, you turn into Jalan Kuala Sungai Burung, a narrow dirt road flanked on one side by a large expanse of verdant paddy fields, with the hill range on the far horizon, and a little irrigation canal on the other. Tucked away in one of the many of shoots of Jalan...

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Sheryl Teoh

holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Linfield College, a liberal arts college in the United States, and majored in History with a focus on Classical Greece and Rome. Her interests include the study of philosophy as well as a range of humanities and socio-political issues.
