Urban Mobility and The Sense of Common Purpose

By Dato’ Dr. Ooi Kee Beng

October 2023 EDITORIAL
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MODERN ECONOMICS and modern living are paradoxically based on sustained advances in means of mobility, on the one hand, and in the human ability to live in huge settlements, on the other.Bringing human individuals into close proximity with each other in regular and systemic ways without conflict requires two things to happen at the same time. There must be worthy reasons for them to do so, and there must be easy means for them to congregate and then disperse whenever...

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Dato’ Dr. Ooi Kee Beng

is the Executive Director of Penang Institute. His recent books include The Eurasian Core and its Edges: Dialogues with Wang Gungwu on the History of the World (ISEAS 2016). Homepage: wikibeng.com
