Keat Hwa Band's Path To Excellence

By Iylia De Silva

September 2023 FEATURE
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Tang Chia Hoe
LET’S TAKE A nostalgic journey back to my school days, a time when bustling classrooms were alive with the enchanting melodies of trumpets, clarinets, flutes and drums...These melodic currents possessed an irresistible charm, drawing my gaze to the rehearsals taking place on the field. As a devoted Keat Hwa student, I yearned to be part of the ensemble—I wanted to play the clarinet. Regrettably, due to my lack of discipline and a twist of fate, I ended up being assigned...

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Iylia De Silva

is a law graduate from the University of London. Balancing work and play, she savours every moment by indulging in her passion for food, languages, music and engaging with people from diverse cultures.
