Promising Initiatives at the Local Government Level

By Ooi Tze Xiong

September 2023 FEATURE
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WITH ITS AMBITIOUS goal of becoming a “Family-focused Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation”, the Penang Island City Council faces numerous challenges such as an aging population, climate change events and playing catch-up with digital innovations.Towards An Age-Friendly CityPenang is the most rapidly ageing state in Malaysia after Perak. As of 2020, 14.9% of Penang’s population comprises of citizens aged 60 and above. While Penang has been named one of the best islands in the world to retire...

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Ooi Tze Xiong

currently delves into content creation and enjoys piloting drones as a hobby. After years of sojourning in cities across Malaysia and Singapore, he eventually decided to call Penang home.
