Understanding Innovation and How It Drives Excellence

By Prof. Dato' Dr. Zulfigar Yasin

September 2023 COVER STORY
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BACK IN THE 1970S, if I wanted to communicate with my pen pal in Manchester—a monthly labour of love—I proceeded to the Gelugor Post Office with a letter in hand and queued at the counter. Having purchased my stamps, I stuck them on the envelope, and the letter was ready to travel to England. There were red pillar boxes outside with an open slit—officiously labelled “Local” and “Overseas” into which I carefully deposited my white envelope on whose front was...

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Prof. Dato' Dr. Zulfigar Yasin

is a marine environmental scientist who is an Honourable Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia and a visiting senior analyst at Penang Institute. His work now focuses on the sustainable development of the marine environment.
