Shaping the Future of Learning with Technology

By Howie Chang

September 2023 TECH WATCH
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AROUND THE WORLD, technology is rewriting the rules of teaching and learning, reshaping classrooms and redefining the student-teacher dynamic. Malaysia stands as a compelling example. A vibrant player in Southeast Asia, the country is harnessing the power of technology to revolutionise its education system, opening new avenues of learning and knowledge sharing for millions of students.While traditional educational systems rely heavily on rote learning and standardised testing, technology is fostering an environment that encourages creativity, collaboration and personalised learning. From...

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Howie Chang

is the trailblazing co-founder and CEO of Forward College, a game-changing tech and future skills college in Malaysia. With his knack for product management, user experience and digital transformation, he is reshaping the landscape of tech education for individuals and enterprises. His mission is to help all be a better version of themselves for a future he believes will be made by creators, not consumers.
